You can cancel an order that has already been placed if it has not entered the processing and transit stage. To cancel an order, please call us at (877) 365-9627 with any questions you may have.
If you are unable to cancel your order because it has already entered the processing and transit stage, you can return any unopened items to us after you receive them as per our return policy.
Your complete satisfaction is very important to us. Unless otherwise noted, you may receive an exchange for any unopened item that you purchased within 15 days of your original invoice date.
Exchanges will be processed after we receive your return. Shipping costs are not refundable.
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Beauchamp's Hand Lotion - 4 Oz.
Perfect for first-time users and a great travel-size for those who need to carry it for constant use. Comes with easy-pour twist-top spout.
Beauchamp's Hand Lotion - 8 Oz.
The best size for over-the-sink at home or office every-day use. Comes with easy-pour twist-top spout.
Beauchamp's Hand Lotion - 16 Oz.
This is the ideal size for multiple users and heavy use. The best bang for your buck. Comes with regular spout.
Beauchamps Hand Lotion 6 Pack
Beauchamp's Hand Lotion - 6 individual 2 oz. bottles. Perfect size for gifts, travel, or just keeping one in every room. Comes with easy-pour twist-top spout.
Currently, we only ship within the United States.
Please allow 5 - 10 business days for USPS delivery.
"Your hand lotion... is the best I have ever used and you know how drying winters in New England are! Thank you for making this product!!!"
~ Ann, Massachusetts
You have helped me! I love, love, love your hand lotion! December in California is cool and dry and my hands suffer. I found your lotion in Vermont and now I wouldn't live without it!"
~ Kathleen P, CA
"I've suffered from chapped hands for years but Beauchamp's Hand Lotion is the first product I've found that cures the problem!"
~ Barbara M, NY